Friday, March 15, 2013

Aum Shanti

I spent the afternoon chanting "aum shanti" with a gentleman who had experienced a series of stokes that have left him with limited capacity. "Aum shanti" is his favorite chant and today we got a good rhythm, and he started clapping and stomping and shouting... "aum shanti aum shanti." Over and over. For those who are unfamiliar with the chant, it is a chant for peace, for peace that surpasses understanding. It is a kind of affirmation that everything in existence is an expression of a peace that surpasses comprehension. And together we shouted for peace, we stomped for peace, we clapped for peace and then we whispered for peace. And I told him, "if you want to rest I will continue, just rest and enjoy the vibration." So when he grew tired, he mouthed the words, and I gave them sound. Peace, peace beyond words. Peace that is softer than even the idea of peace. I whispered peace to him as the snow fell and he rested his eyes.

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