Wednesday, April 10, 2013

For Jade, my cat, who passed away today...

When something dies it blows open the doors of the heart and everything rushes out and everything rushes in.
Then we are left with a choice:

Leave the doors open, find the courage to love even more, and let it all move and flow through you.   
Or run frantically from door to door and lock them and bolt them and barricade them with more force than you ever have before.  As if the storm is coming.

But the storm is the flow of life.  What is now “storm,” you have called “blessings,” “miracle,” “joy.”  
You can’t lock one out without locking it all out.  And some people never unlock the doors again.

I choose to stay open, I choose to love and keep loving. I don’t have it in me to fight life. I need to open these doors and leave a welcome mat at every threshold of every door of my heart.  I need to love even more now because I want to feel life move through me, and I want a safe, kind, welcoming place inside of me for my soul to rest.

And when you meet me, I want to welcome you. In my heart, I want everything to feel at home. I want you to feel safe and comfortable. As if you were long awaited and have joyfully arrived.

Jade, in every room of my heart, welcome home. In every room of every heart, at the center of the heart of the universe, welcome home. Whenever I welcome anything in, I am now welcoming you, whenever I love anything, I am now loving you, and whenever I find a soft place in someone else’s heart, I now take you with me, to rest beside me there. Let’s rest beside each other at the center of all loving, and love and be loved endlessly there. I’ll meet you there, endlessly. I love you, little one. Time to rest now. Time to rest in peaceful love, wherever it is found, everywhere.  

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