Saturday, September 14, 2013


Think of something you want for yourself, some experience or circumstance in this life that now seems so distant and unimaginable that it feels impossible. Envision it as real as you can make it, and happier than you dared to imagine it before and consider saying "maybe." It starts with "Maybe." "Maybe" is your unlocked door. 

So often we shame ourselves for not having the doors of the heart flung open. We don't allow ourselves all the tiny in betweens of readiness.

"Maybe" undoes the deadbolt. The heart becomes a bit more ready to hold more joy than you thought possible, and one day, still more than that. I wish endless, and as yet, unimaginable joys to each of us, as we are ready and willing to receive them. May they come gently and over the course of time, so that our hearts may slowly grow in capacity to receive and fully enjoy it all.

Today, my prayer: May all of your "not possibles" ease-fully soften into "maybes." Rest there for a moment. Breathe into the stretch to create the space within to allow just slightly more joy than our minds can conceive of and our hearts can hold. Let us be expanded slowly, gently, in a widening and deepening joy that makes us larger and more expansive, slowly, in time.

Monday, September 2, 2013

welcome to this day

Some mornings I wake before the sun, so she too could know the feeling of opening her wide gaze on a brightness that welcomes her back. Let's all take turns holding the light, quietly standing guard through the darkness, and meeting each other joyfully at dawn. Today, my turn. Welcome to this day.