Sunday, April 7, 2013

(Re)Commit to Yourself

I want you to know how excited I am to offer two yoga series (see facebook posts -, at Time for Yoga & The Body House. It means so much to me to watch my students develop and build a strong foundation in their practice because I personally know the amazing benefits of yoga and I truly want to help others to experience the benefits as well. I want you to feel peaceful, even in the moments when peace seems impossible. I want you to have practiced experiencing peace, even when circumstances are challenging.

Find peace in plank pose, as I offer you encouragement and support, and if you can find it there, maybe you can find it when things get challenging off the mat as well. Maybe you will have taken a bit of the support and encouragement I have offered with you.

There is no limit to you. You are capable of so much. I have seen you come into poses that you thought were impossible, and you came into them because you kept showing up, and kept trying, and kept believing in yourself. Imagine what you will be able to achieve after believing in yourself and showing up for yourself every week for 6 or 7 weeks. Let's surprise ourselves.

Let's practice meeting each challenge with peace in our hearts until no challenge can shake the peace we have found, because through experience, we have come to believe in the power within ourselves, and proven our ability to face and overcome and rise above, each time, over and over.

Let each challenge be an opportunity for you to become more than you thought you could be. Let's grow together. It's Spring, everything is growing now. It's time to grow. Together.
This Saturday 10:15am at The Body House and May 6th Monday 6:30pm at Time for Yoga. I'll meet you there.

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