Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Peaceful Love: Marriage Equality

Are we trying to win the battle or end the fight? I know how easy it is to get triggered.   I know the seduction of winning the argument and proving them wrong.  I know the wild, free, uncontainable feeling of screaming in the streets.  But I also know that it scares my spirit.  It hurts my soft soul.  I don't want to fight.

I want to love.  Softly, peacefully, quietly.  We can call our anger by the name of love but the heart knows.  It knows that a hand held in silence is more powerful and more true than any battle cry. 

Consider disengaging from the fight. Rise above the endless struggle. Just love more.  Love deeper.  Love whenever and whoever and however you are able to love. Love the way the sun shines its light. Let it touch whatever it can reach. Let it fill the trenches in the heart.  Let it blur the lines we have drawn around and through ourselves. 

Love heals the brokenness and makes us whole. We need to feel whole. Human. Simply and uncontainably human. Equally, lovably, vulnerably human. Because that's the truth of us.  That's just what we are.  

We are angry & hurting, I know. I know because I feel it too. And that's how we feel when we are feeling less than the simple,  complicated and endlessly beautiful human beings that we are. 

But the fighting won't soothe us.  War never led to peace & we need peace alongside our love.  

Offer it to yourself.  Love your insatiable love and find peace in it. Just Love. Not in spite of them, not to show them, but simply because that is what our soft hearts are asking for- to love and be loved.

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