Friday, April 14, 2017

Good morning

Let's do it new now, like it's never been done, never exactly like this before. Let's do this day honestly, Like we don't know how it goes, because honestly we don't and we never did. We just forget that fact because it's too scary to remember. So it starts like this, we open our eyes and we pretend to see things and then all the little things become clearer and clearer and little by little as we notice all the in between and in between in betweens and the creases of faces smiling and the birds tuck-tuck-tuck in wingfolds we fall in love with the thing and we love and love, and breathe, don't forget to remember that you are constantly breathing and we love and breathe and love and breathe our way back to right here together and pretend that we knew how we got here or how any of that was done when it was all and always a crazy mystery that keeps happening and we ourselves, a miracle.

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